Really, my idea doesn't like this book |

Once my ex-Marketing Manager told me, that woman's love to a man, endures in only two years. In year one it could be a craziness and blind love, the time when she really loved you all hearted, then by time passed, this drunkenness-month by month, day by day-faded away and at the end, it's all cleared. When all these cloudy emotions gone and the rational side of thought took over, what you'd have is only a very critical eyes asking you a kinda philosophical argumentation: Why did I love you?
"Why did I love you!"
Errr... it could be a question mark not an exclamation, but in this case it's forgiven to use by the way :) Okay, let's put this sentence in its proper use. Why did I love you?
"Hmm... take a minute".
"You loved me, because you thought that I loved you. Is this answer acceptable?"
"Well it could be, but it doesn't answer the question yet, for why should I love a man who loves me? Just because someone loves you, it doesn't mean you should love him either. Isn't it right?"
"Ja, I agree then. Errr... How about my good looking, my irregular way of thinking, my uniqueness, doesn't it explain everything?"
"yup, but its all explains the opposites. Ah, I think you're not that so good". :)
Perhaps those conversation will stuck you one day, when all magically fairy tales of love evaporated. There is no more Mr. Charming in her eyes, no brave-heart savior prince with his steel-horse in her dreams again, and your relationship just begin to freeze and dull. Surely, it's a really bad news to know. But, like another story goes, it's always an exception, and that is a good ones.
"Know you, before these periods of unconsciousness over, you should have to take an advantages from your relationship with her, and that exactly what I did to my wife" explained my ex-Marketing Manager.
"So, what did you do with her sir?"
"Well, I married her. Frankly speaking I married her before she wake up from her dreamy mind, for it's easier to propose to a woman when they are in such condition"
"Wow. Is it right? Doesn't she realize that it was a fake?"
"I tell you kid, there is no perfect condition in marriage. All you have to do just to recreate your dully love to make the bond lasting. It's everyday struggle to keep the relationship goes, and that's rewarding. See, we are a happy family now, with our lovely three children as the result of mis-guided love, if you agree with my words. Meanwhile, it's not a fake at all, it just a short-thinking."
Is science of love, rational? | |

Surely, you may not believe all his story, because this Mr.-so called-my ex. Marketing Manager, didn't married her spouse for love. I mean, there could be a kinda engineering in their marriage. You know, he just told his mom to search a bride for him to marry. His mom agreed with her son's quest and found a matching girl to be married. He therefore agreed with his mom's choice, and voila, they became husband and wife. But who knows his definite feeling to his wife, even I myself don't really know about that. So, let's take his statement that he loves his wife a sole truth, for we can't proof the opposite.
I think I've been deviated, so before we begin to get rid of the theme, let's back again to main focus of this writing. Can we say that the drunkenness to love is an exceptional condition which categorized as normal? So, everything happened within this condition, such taking any advantages from your relationship, are counted as they were and not morally hazardous. The reason behind, because there are no normal condition when someone fall in love, then everything regarded as abnormal when you fallen in love to your girlfriend for example, would be counted as a normal behaviour. Is it right?
Actually, I don't know if the statement is true. But to make this normally abnormal question sound dramatic, perhaps we can philosophizing it little. How about this, is there something like rationality in love? Or simply, is there a rational love? I mean, a love which doesn't acknowledges any kind of drunkenness and craziness. A love which makes you thinking clearly about your motives, and every reason that made you love the girl. A love that doesn't makes you regret with your choice, because everything are measurable, accountable, and open. Uhm... have you ever try to love someone with this kind of love? Or, maybe still confusing with the definition.
"Honey. Why could you love a man like me? A jobless, bad looking, rather lazy, and a pathetic personality."
"Honestly my dear, I never think like that. I'm just loving you, and that is true".
"My love, please try to think rationally. Love is unbelievable, so why should you trust it."
"If it's what you asking for, very well. From now on, I'd think rationally, and according to my rational mind, it's very hopeless to keep our relationship works. Don't you mind if we end it up and behave like no lover?"
"Oh honey, you so wonderful. We can now live in our rational love!"
"Please don't call me honey anymore, for I don't love you again"
What's in your Mind? |

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